
Stamullen #

Macullen has 5 Fame and 0 Glory. The Skirmishers have 5 Glory whether they fight in Small or Large Groups. The Bees have 0 Glory.

If using the Routine Procedures, the forces of Stamullen are Cautious.

Macullen #

Macullen fights as a Champion. He rolls 2d6 to hit.

5+ / 5+ / 5+5+ / 8”6+ / 5+ / -44+1Bee Father
Bee Father
Macullen may (3+) commanded one Bee Swarm when activating. While commanded by Macullen, the Bee Swarm counts hits twice and does not need to test to activate.

Bee Swarms #

5+ / 6 / 67+ / 10”- / - / -2-5Reckless, Unfeeling

Culemwardern #

Cioran has 15 Fame and 20 Glory. The Footmen have 10 Glory, the Skirmishers have 5 Glory, and the Karvi have 10 Glory. The Boats have 0 Glory.

If using the Routine Procedures, the forces of Culemwardern are Guarded.

Cioran #

Cioran fights as a Champion. He has the Fame traits Competent and Clever. He rolls 12d6 to hit.

5+ / 5+ /5+5+ / 6”6+ / 5+ / -84+3Champion, Challenger

Cloyne #

Beyf has 2 Fame and 7 Glory. The Skirmishers and Boats have 0 Glory.

If using the Routine Procedures, the forces of Cloyne are Cautious unless facing enemies of the Druid, in which case they are Ferocious. The Skirmishers always fight as Small Groups.

Beyf #

Beyf fights beside a Small Group of Skirmishers as Captain. When joined to the Skirmishers, the Group rolls 14d6 to hit and have +2 when testing Resolve. When Duelling, Beyf rolls 4d6 to hit.

Skirmishers6+ / 5+ / 5+5+ / 8”6+ / 5+ / 12”65+1Challenger, Elusive, Nimble
Champion5+ / 5+ / 5+5+ / 8”6+ / 5+ / -44+3

Donenashoe #

The Goblins do not have a Captain and have 0 Glory. They fight in Small (8 Goblin) and Large (16 Goblin) Groups.

If using the Routine Procedures, the forces of Donenashoe are Incompetent unless they have been united by a Captain.

Small6+ / 5+ / 5+5+ / 8”- / - / -45+2Cowardly, Nimble, Vicious
Large6+ / 5+ / 5+5+ / 8”- / - / -85+2Cowardly, Nimble, Vicious

Belcarra #

The Fanatical Footmen of Belcarra do not have a Captain and have 5 Glory.

If using the Routine Procedures, the forces of Belcarra are Ferocious.

Fanatics #

6+ / 5+ / 5+5+ / 8”6+ / 5+ / 6”124+2Reckless, Vicious

Dorbog #

Donnagh has 20 Fame and 30 Glory. Mish has 0 Glory. The Footmen and Skirmishers have 10 Glory. The Karvi have 15 Glory. The Boats have 0 Glory.

If using the Routine Procedures, the forces of Dorbog are Bold.

Donnagh #

Donnagh fights beside a Group of Footmen as Captain and is joined by Mish. He has the Fame traits Willing and Brave. When joined to the Footmen, the Group rolls 19d6 to hit and have +7 when testing Resolve. When Duelling, Donnagh rolls 10d6 to hit.

Footmen6+ / 5+ / 5+5+ / 8”6+ / 5+ / 6”124+2Defensive, Shieldwall
Champion5+ / 5+ / 5+5+ / 8”6+ / 5+ / -104+3

Pirates #

Niamh has 10 Fame and 15 Glory. The Bandits have 10 Glory and fight in Groups of 6 people, and are worth 4 points each. The Karvi has 25 Glory.

If using the Routine Procedures, the Pirates are Ferocious.

Niamh #

Niamh fights as a Champion. She has the Fame traits Willing and Lucky. She rolls 10d6 to hit.

5+ / 5+ /5+5+ / 8”6+ / 5+ / -104+2Champion, Challenger

Bandits #

6+ / 5+ / 5+5+ / 8”6+ / 5+ / 6”65+2Nimble

Ogonnelloe #

The Skirmishers of Ogonnelloe have no Captain and 5 Glory.

If using the Routine Procedures, they are Guarded.

Orc Fort #

The Orcs of the fort have no known Captain and 10 Glory. They fight in Groups of 8 worth 4 points each.

If using the Routine Procedures, the Orcs of the fort are Ferocious.

Warband6+ / 4+ / 5+5+ / 8”6+ / 5+ / 6”124+1Reckless
Archer6+ / 4+ / 5+5+ / 8”6+ / 5+ / 12”124+1-

Blulach #

Glas has 15 Fame and 20 Glory. The Armoured Footmen have 15 Glory. The Footmen have 10 Glory. The Skirmishers have 5 Glory. The Horsemen have 20 Glory. The Knarr have 15 Glory. The Boats have 0 Glory.

If using the Routine Procedures, the forces of Blulach are Bold.

Glas #

Glas fights beside a Group of Armoured Footmen as Captain. He has the Fame traits Competent and Willing. When joined to the Armoured Footmen, the Group rolls 16d6 to hit and have +4 when testing Resolve. When Duelling, Glas rolls 8d6 to hit.

Armoured Footmen6+ / 4+ / 5+5+ / 6”6+ / 5+ / 6”164+3Shieldwall
Champion5+ / 5+ / 5+5+ / 8”6+ / 5+ / -104+3

Killucan #

The forces of Killucan have no Captain. The Skirmishers have 5 Glory and always fight in Small Groups. The Boats have 0 Glory.

If using the Routine Procedures, the forces of Blulach are Cautious.