
Bynames #

Groups gain and lose Bynames by their deeds in battle. Bynames are special traits that fall under three categories: Champion Bynames, Group Bynames, and Ship Bynames. Each Byname has conditions for earning it and losing it.

Bynames are given by their friends an enemies. They are only given to Group’s whose Glory makes them memorable. If a Group loses a Byname because they no longer meet the Glory requirements, they may regain it by fulfilling the conditions again. If a Group loses a Byname because of their actions in battle, they never regain it.

Champion Bynames #

Beautiful #

Minimum Glory: 10

Gain this Byname by fighting in melee in 5+ Skirmishes without ever being Bloodied in any Skirmish. Lose this Byname by becoming Bloodied. +1 FS for every Skirmish this Group fights in melee without losing any FS and +1 T.

Berserker #

Minimum Glory: 25

Gain this Byname by Attacking 12+ enemy Groups with more FS and Glory. Lose this Byname by refusing to Attack an enemy Group when capable. +1 T and gain the Unfeeling and Self-Destruct traits. When you Self-Destruct, instead of Routing, you become Reckless against all Groups, including friendly ones. If you fail to activate to Attack while Reckless, you fall unconscious.

Cloak Dancer #

Minimum Glory: 20

Gain this Byname by killing 3+ enemies in Duels. Lose this Byname by refusing a Duel or fighting 2+ Skirmishes in a row without Duelling. Reroll failed activations when Duelling and +1 dice when rolling to hit in a duel for every enemy killed while Duelling.

Shiptaker #

Minimum Glory: 20

Gain this Byname by Boarding an enemy Ship Group alone 3+ times. Lose this Byname by failing to capture a Ship Group you Boarded alone or with a Boarding Party. Roll +1 dice to hit when Boarding.

Troll #

Minimum Glory: 40

Gain this byname by being Attacked 6+ times while Bloodied by a Group with more FS and Attacking an enemy Group that isn’t Bloodied 6+ times while you are Bloodied. Lose this Byname by Routing. Gain the Terrifying and Vicious traits, and +1 FS every time you are Bloodied.

Witch-Breaker #

Minimum Glory: 15

Gain this Byname by killing at least 3 casters. Lose this Byname by refusing to Attack a caster when capable. Reroll failed tests against magic, gain the Caster-Bane trait, and count 6s twice when rolling to hit a caster.

Group Bynames #

Berserk Bane #

Minimum Glory: 40

Gain this Byname by killing 3+ Champions. Lose this Byname by Retreating from a Champion or refusing a Duel with one. When fighting a Champion, +1 per slain Champion when activating to Attack and +1 dice when rolling to hit.

Boar’s Tusk #

Minimum Glory: 25

Gain this Byname by breaking 1+ Shieldwall in 5 different Skirmishes. Lose this Byname by failing to break a Shieldwall after Attacking it. When Attacking a Group in a Shieldwall as an individual Group, reroll failed tests to activate and count hits twice. When Attacking a Group in a Shieldwall as part of a Shieldwall, +1 dice per Shieldwall broken.

Cloud of Steel #

Minimum Glory: 15

Gain this Byname by Routing 1+ Group by Shooting in 3 different Skirmishes. Lose this Byname by Shooting the same Group twice without reducing their FS. When Shooting, +1 dice to hit per Skirmish in which they Routed a Group by Shooting.

Hounds #

Minimum Glory: 20

Gain this Byname by passing 6+ Resolve tests while Bloodied. Lose this Byname by failing a Resolve test while not Bloodied. This Group ignores penalties for facing an enemy Group with more Glory. This Group never refuses to fight and never surrenders.

Swiftfeet #

Minimum Glory: 15

Gain this Byname by Moving 3+ times without failure in 5 Skirmishes. Lose this Byname by failing to activate to Move twice in a row. This Group may immediately test to activate again after Moving.

Unbreakable #

Minimum Glory: 25

Gain this Byname by being Attacked 5+ times in a Shieldwall without breaking formation or failing a Resolve test. Lose this Byname by breaking formation while in a Shieldwall. +1 T and reroll hits when defending an Attack as part of a Shieldwall.

Ship Bynames #

Blood Otter #

Minimum Glory: 20

Gain this Byname by Boarding and seizing enemy Ship Groups in 3+ Skirmishes on a river. Lose this Byname by failing to seize a Boarded enemy Ship on a river. Ignore the river’s Drift Rate when Attacking to Board an enemy Ship Group and roll +1 dice to hit when Boarding on a river.

Boarder’s Bane #

Minimum Glory: 25

Gain this Byname by repelling 5+ Boarding Parties. Lose this Byname if the Crewing Groups Mutiny due to enemy Boarding or Retreat from an enemy Ship Group trying to Board. +1 T and reroll misses when defending against a Boarding Party.

Plankbreaker #

Minimum Glory: 30

Gain this Byname by Ramming and sinking 3+ enemy Ship Groups. Lose this Byname if the Ship Group fights 2+ naval Skirmishes in a row without Ramming an enemy Ship Group.

Sea Eagle #

Minimum Glory: 40

Gain this Byname by capturing 1+ enemy Ship Group in 5+ naval Skirmishes and Boarding 3+ enemy Ship Groups with more Crewing Groups. Lose this Byname by refusing to Board an enemy Ship Group when capable.

Stormrider #

Minimum Glory: 15

Gain this Byname by capturing or sinking an enemy Ship Group in 3+ naval Skirmishes in a gale or storm. Lose this Byname by failing to activate twice in a row during a naval Skirmish in a gale or storm. Reroll activation tests and misses when fighting in a gale or storm.

Waveflame #

Minimum Glory: 20

Gain this Byname by setting 6+ enemy Ship Groups on fire and causing 3+ to sink from burning. Lose this Byname by failing to set an enemy Ship Group on fire in 3+ consecutive naval Skirmishes. Enemy Ship Groups reroll tests to douse flames started by this Group.