
d6:6 (pronounced “6 by 6”) numbers measure by tier and degree, each from 1–6. Tiers measure major ranks. Degrees measure difference within those ranks. When rolling a d6:6, the first die or the die closest to the player is the tier die, the other is the degree die.

Tiers have rankings:

  • The 1st tier is nominal (N),
  • the 2nd tier is basic (B),
  • the 3rd tier is comprehensive (C),
  • the 4th tier is extraordinary (E),
  • the 5th tier is incredible (I),
  • the 6th tier is unbelievable (U).

d6:6 numbers are ratings and have two digits separated by a colon. A rating of 3:5 is a tier of 3 with a degree of 5.

Ratings increase by degree then by tier. 3:5 precedes 3:6 then 4:1.

Attributes & Domains #

Attributes and domains have ratings.

Attributes are universal and fundamental. For example:

  • Fury, Patience, & Hunger
  • Practice, Memory, & Connections
  • Stone, Bone, & Blood

Domains are personal and acquired. For example:

Skills, Reputations, Relationships, Spells, Subjects, Passions, Assets, Styles

Action Adjudication #

Intent: What does the player want?

Approach: How does their character try to get it?

Adjudicate: Only after the player answers both questions, the Adjudicator should answer, for themself:

  1. Can this Intent+Approach succeed?
  2. Can it fail?
  3. Does failure have meaningful consequences?

If any answers are no, narration or discussion will do. If, only if, all three answers are yes, Test.

Tests #

Order of operations for a test:

  1. Adjudicator calls for the most relevant stat as determined by player’s approach
  2. Player states their highest relevant domain, if any
  3. Player rolls d6:6, looking to roll under the higher rating of the specified stat and domain to succeed.
  4. If the roll is equal to either their stat or domain they triumph, getting the best possible outcome.
  5. If the roll is over their goal but the degree die is less than the tier of their domain, they succeed.
  6. If none of the prior steps lead to a success, they fail.

The Adjudicator may represent difficulty by setting a minimum tier from 2–6. Any rolls of lesser tier are failures, even if they would otherwise succeed.

Contests between 2+ parties work like other tests except after determining success and failure:

  1. If only one party succeeded or triumphed, they win the contest.
  2. If more than one party succeeded, the party who rolled the highest wins the contest.
  3. If all parties failed, the party who rolled the highest wins the contest.